Thursday, August 25, 2011

Teacher comment

Emma that dragon looks really funky, and the wire inside has made it a lot more rigid which will be good for support as you apply the paper mache skin and paint it.
I can't wait to see what colours you use and how it turns out.
Keep up the good work!


Every fortnight at Enrich we do a task called S.C.A.M.P.E.R. scamper stands for substitute, combine, adapt, 
modify / magnify, put to other uses, eliminate and
 reverse / rearrange. What you do for scamper is you get an everyday item like a shoe or a brush and you use your imagination to make it substitute, combine, adapt, modify / magnify, put to other uses,eliminate or reverse / rearrange
an object. I did a brush and used it as a car wash, a bridge, a really colorful car, a wacky sculpture, a slide, a polisher and a scooter. We do this to make us think about things in a different way and to use our imagination

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Passion progects. Art

This term we are doing talent development and we had to pick out of art, creative writing and filming a documentary. I chose art and we are making dragons.

To make our dragon art we are going to do lino printing, sketching and make clay models.We have to create our own dragons and make them into art.

We only have 37 hours from this week to start from scratch to finish the dragons completely. 
Next year some of the dragons are going to be put into an art gallery and are going to be sold.

Monday, August 1, 2011

Teacher Comment

Your creative side showed through during our mosaic projects.  I liked the fact that you took your time until you were happy with the end product.  You experimented with lines, colours and shape, which were the main components to completing a mosaic.  You stay on task and use what Enrich has to offer to your advantage.  You are developing in confidence and you are eager to help others when needed.  You are beginning to voice your opinion more, which is great to see.  Keep this up for next term Emma.